Monday, November 26, 2007

A Look Back

Hello Readers,

This will be my last entry of the semester and I wanted to take a second and look back at what I have learned about the Green lifestyle and the sporting world.

I have to be honest before I took this class I didn't know a lot about living Green and a lot more about sports but after writing on this blog I feel like I know a lot about both. While writing these entries every Monday I learned that sports figures and sports teams have a profound influence on making the green lifestyle more aware to people like me.

People like Steve Nash and the Philadelphia Eagles organization make a conscience effort to bringing more awareness to people who follow them and their career to live a more green lifestyle. It was good to see athletes and teams trying to make a difference in the world. These teams have so much money and I was happy to see they are using their power in the world in a positive way.

I was amazed how many sports or making a effort to help the environment. I was probably most surprised at how much the Indy cars were trying to make a difference by using better fuel by creating their cars with the environment in mind. I was also surprised by all the extreme sports and how they are going green. Green snowboards, surfboards, and bikes are only some of the things that are beginning to be made out of recycled materials.

Outside of the sports world, I started to realize that it is really not that hard to live a green lifestyle and the more effort one makes, the better our world will be in the long run. After talking to people familiar with the green lifestyle, I learned that it only takes a few things each day to make a impact. Things like turning off the water when you brush your teeth or taking a paper bag lunch to work or school. There are some other things that people do such as make their home more green or drive hybrid cars but these tend to be a little more expensive and more of a commitment.

When I started writing this blog I thought I would have a hard time coming up with ideas because I thought sports weren't making a effort to live green. I was very wrong because it seemed each week there was something about an athlete or team doing something to help the environment. Even here in Tucson where I am going to school, the local high schools are starting to build astro turf football fields because it helps save water. Even though it costs more money to build the astro turf field, high schools realize that it is better for the environment and it will cost less in the long run.

I really did enjoy writing this blog because I learned a lot about the green lifestyle and how the sports industry is making a effort to save the environment. I can honestly say that after taking this class and writing this blog that I myself make a effort to do the little things that will help the environment. I learned that if everyone does just a little bit that it will have a huge impact on the world that are kids and grand kids will inherit one day.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Steve Nash Foundation Going Green

Hello Readers,

Another congratulations is in order for the Dallas Cowboys who continued to dominate the NFC by beating the Washington Redskins behind 4 touchdowns from Terrell Owens. I keep expecting us to have a let down game but every game they fight hard play together as a team. I also want to give a shout out to the Phoenix Suns who are off to a nice start. Steve Nash is picking up where he left off and hopefully they will be there in the end.

Speaking of the Suns, their MVP, Steve Nash has a foundation called the Steve Nash Foundation. This foundations mission is to assist under served children in their health, personal development, education and enjoyment of life. On top of this, the Steve Nash Foundation believes that corporations must share responsibility for the well-being of local communities. The foundation encourages environmentally friendly office practices and it offers grant assistance in developing their own recycling and energy conservation practices. Not only is Steve Nash my favorite basketball player in the NBA and now I have even more respect for him because he is trying to help the world become more environmentally friendly.

Nash also opened a sports club in 2007 located in Vancouver, Canada to help people get in shape and live a healthier life. "I've always taken a holistic approach to health," Nash said in a Vancouver Sun article. "And I think we're becoming so much more educated on the impact fitness has on overall health and wellness. I love fitness, just the health and well-being, the mental health that it gives you."

The sports club will have all plasma screen televisions for members to watch while working out but more importantly Nash wanted the club to be environmentally friendly. Nash wanted there to be a big focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility, according to the article.

The floor of the sports club is made from floating bamboo and the rugs in the club are made from recycled athletic shoelaces, according to the article. "We're going to go as green as we can with the gym with sustainable and renewable resources, whether that's with materials and textiles or recycling energy from the cardio machines," said Nash in the article.

Nash said he hopes that he can open five more clubs in the next year or so with even more modern designs and environmentally friendly aspects.

Monday, November 12, 2007

CFL Looking to Go Green

Hello Readers,

I first want to congratulate the Dallas Cowboys for taking care of business yesterday when they went into New York and dismantled the Giants. All the so called "expert" said that the Giants were closing the gap between them and the Cowboys but that doesn't seem to be the case. The Cowboys are the second best team in the NFL. Come February hopefully the Cowboys can get a rematch with those undefeated New England Patriots.

Speaking of football, I read an article about the Canadian Football League (CFL) and how their commissioner is looking to make their sport more green. Mark Cohen is making a strong initiative to make the CFL's Grey Cup more environmentally friendly. The Grey Cup is the CFL's equivalent to the National Football League's (NFL) Super Bowl. According to the CFL web site, the Grey Cup is Canada's largest television event. This year's Grey Cup will be held November 25, 2007.

According to the article by the Canadian Press, Cohen is looking to improve the Grey Cup in three areas: "The use of renewable, clean energy, waste management and carbon offsetting." Cohen said that he has listened to the young fans of the CFL and decided to the league could help influence people who don't know how to live a more green life.

According to the article, Cohen practices what he preaches as he drives a hybrid vehicle. Cohen also said that he expects 300,000 people will visit Toronto during the Grey Cup and that will create an huge impact of the environment.

Recently, the CFL determined that the "total carbon dioxide emissions associated with its championship game's energy use, paper and team air travel, according to a environmental audit. The league will try to balance this effect with a reforestation effort that will be held in British Columbia."

The CFL is also planning on partnering with Bullfrog Power to help provide clean energy during the Grey Cup festivities. CFL is also using Turtle Island to help provide the proper waste management and recycling services throughout the week of the Grey Cup as well as the game itself. Cohen did stress that this is not a one-year thing but he wants it to become a yearly initiative.

A quick shout out to Middlebury College ski team who are working hard to fund a wind farm project in Minnesota and North Dakota as well as a farm methane project. The ski team said that skiing is in jeopardy because of global warming. This effort is part of a service-learning project for environmental economics students.

Monday, November 5, 2007

NBC going green

Hello Readers,

Last night I was watching my Dallas Cowboys play the Philadelphia Eagles on Sunday Night Football on NBC. At halftime the Cowboys were winning big but the thing that caught my eye was NBC is doing a "Green Week" called Green is Universal.

During the halftime show, NBC actually turned off the lights while they showed highlights and talked about the first half. They used candles and glow sticks so the viewers could see. Bob Costas, the host of the halftime show on NBC said that by turning off the studio lights they were saving enough power to run a entire house for a day. I thought that it was a very cool idea and knowing how many people watch prime time football I think it really could make a difference.

The NBC web site now is completely green and it evens has a "Green Week" page that gives tips to what people can do to live a more green lifestyle. Some of the tips include; taking a shorter shower to help save water and letting more natural light into your house and that will help lower your electricity. There are videos of Jay Leno talking about a car that gets 100 mpg as well as other green tips that NBC is hoping people will start to incorporate into their daily lives.

I think NBC is doing a great thing here because millions of people watch NBC on a daily basis and during their programming all they will see and hear is how people should live more green. On the NBC web site they have a slogan and it reads, "NBC Universal's new "Green is Universal" campaign kicks off Nov. 4th with a week of green-themed programming aimed at entertaining, informing and empowering Americans to lead greener lives."

Even on a daily soap such as "Days of out Lives" they are having a green wedding with two of the main characters. I don't think any other major television network is doing this kind of awareness to live a green lifestyle and I think it is a great idea. You can watch the video of the wedding online but NBC also lists ways to help and create a green your wedding.

I know I have talked about this before in one of my other postings but I thought it was appropriate to talk about it again. Even though I was born to hate the Philadelphia Eagles I must point out some good stuff they are doing (It makes it easier knowing the Cowboys beat the Eagles last night). During the Cowboys/Eagles game last night, John Madden pointed out that the Eagles are doing a great job of making their stadium more environmentally friendly. They showed on TV how the stadium has many recycling bins and as of November 2, 2007 the Eagles owner Christina Lurie unveiled plans to create an Eagles Forest with the help of the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

According the Eagles web site, the Eagles Forest is a planned 6.5 acres grass site and Lurie said on the web site, ""Major sports teams have an impact on the environment, especially on game days,"" says Christina Lurie. ""We strive to be a responsible company, both in terms of the community and the environment. We want to set a positive environmental example for the league, the city and our fans. We are excited to partner with DCNR and hope that together we can make a positive impact on our planet."" The Eagles organization is looking to plant more than 20,000 trees, according to the Eagles web site.