Monday, October 22, 2007

Trying For A Greener World

Hello Readers,

First congratulations are in order to the Boston Red Sox who again came back in the American League Championship Series defeating the Cleveland Indians in game seven last night. Also a quick shout out to my favorite team the Dallas Cowboys who are 6-1 and the top team in the NFC.

I found an interesting article about how the Olympics in 2008 are having meetings this week to discuss how they can make the Olympics in Beijing more green. According to the press release, on October 25-27 the 7th World Conference on Sport and Environment will be held in Beijing and the topics with be how to green major sports and the Olympic games. You can take a look at the web site here.

The two main concerns of the conference are how the "degraded environment can have on sport, the Olympic games and the athletes" The other issue is how sports and certain events have on the environment. At the conference there will be a progress report on the preparations of the Olympic games.

So after spending most of the weekend watching sporting events on television I remember seeing something on the web about a green TV. There is a web site called Green Energy TV. This is an online television channel that is "dedicated to airing Green/Alternative/Renewable Energy videos for millions of viewers around the world to see." I think this is pretty cool because it educates the viewers and gives people the opportunity to download their own videos. On the main page of the web site they have categories and different links that take you to videos of certain topics. This web site also has green tips that are interesting and I recommend you check them out. You can view the tips here.

There is a web site that I wanted to share with you about Top Green Cars. This web site has some cool pictures of green cars that are the future of sports racing. Volvo is developing a racing car that is environmentally friendly. You can check out the article here and make sure and check out the photos. This article breaks down what exactly makes up the car and I think it is pretty interesting. I would think the future of racing cars will be something like these cars where gas mileage is better and emissions is low.

Volvo is also coming out with a plug-in hybrid sports car. Just by looking at the picture I think I would drive one of these cars. According to the article, you can charge the battery by simply plugging in to a regular outlet and when charged you can drive the car for 62 miles. I want to share a quote with you that was in the article.

""This is a groundbreaking innovation for sustainable transportation. This plug-in hybrid car, when used as intended, should have about 66 percent lower emissions of carbon dioxide compared with the best hybrid cars available on the market today. Emissions may be even lower if most of the electricity comes from CO2-friendly sources such as biogas, hydropower and nuclear power. A person driving less than 60 miles per day will rarely need to visit a filling station. Also, thanks to the excellent electrical range from a fuel consumption angle, the Volvo ReCharge Concept is exceptionally kind to the car owner’s wallet," commented Magnus Jonsson, Senior Vice President Research & Development at Volvo Cars in the article."

I am interested to see if Volvo has success with this car because other hybrids that have came out have not been extremely successful because the cars look funny but this car look normal and very sporty. I can honestly say that I would drive a car like this.

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