Monday, November 26, 2007

A Look Back

Hello Readers,

This will be my last entry of the semester and I wanted to take a second and look back at what I have learned about the Green lifestyle and the sporting world.

I have to be honest before I took this class I didn't know a lot about living Green and a lot more about sports but after writing on this blog I feel like I know a lot about both. While writing these entries every Monday I learned that sports figures and sports teams have a profound influence on making the green lifestyle more aware to people like me.

People like Steve Nash and the Philadelphia Eagles organization make a conscience effort to bringing more awareness to people who follow them and their career to live a more green lifestyle. It was good to see athletes and teams trying to make a difference in the world. These teams have so much money and I was happy to see they are using their power in the world in a positive way.

I was amazed how many sports or making a effort to help the environment. I was probably most surprised at how much the Indy cars were trying to make a difference by using better fuel by creating their cars with the environment in mind. I was also surprised by all the extreme sports and how they are going green. Green snowboards, surfboards, and bikes are only some of the things that are beginning to be made out of recycled materials.

Outside of the sports world, I started to realize that it is really not that hard to live a green lifestyle and the more effort one makes, the better our world will be in the long run. After talking to people familiar with the green lifestyle, I learned that it only takes a few things each day to make a impact. Things like turning off the water when you brush your teeth or taking a paper bag lunch to work or school. There are some other things that people do such as make their home more green or drive hybrid cars but these tend to be a little more expensive and more of a commitment.

When I started writing this blog I thought I would have a hard time coming up with ideas because I thought sports weren't making a effort to live green. I was very wrong because it seemed each week there was something about an athlete or team doing something to help the environment. Even here in Tucson where I am going to school, the local high schools are starting to build astro turf football fields because it helps save water. Even though it costs more money to build the astro turf field, high schools realize that it is better for the environment and it will cost less in the long run.

I really did enjoy writing this blog because I learned a lot about the green lifestyle and how the sports industry is making a effort to save the environment. I can honestly say that after taking this class and writing this blog that I myself make a effort to do the little things that will help the environment. I learned that if everyone does just a little bit that it will have a huge impact on the world that are kids and grand kids will inherit one day.

1 comment:

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